About Us
金顺利邮币社社创始于1981年,当时位于武吉知马购物中心, 专门买卖邮票与钱币。后来1986年搬迁到百胜楼,
孙女士,本身从事室内设计行业,1981年由于本身爱好邮票,钱币而创办了 “金顺利邮币社”。当时店铺位于武吉知马购物中心, 专门买卖邮票与钱币。五年后为了方便监护孩子上下课,将公司搬迁到了百胜楼。但当时政府对百胜楼大厦立了营业限制条约,而将生意转型为文房四宝专卖店,并改名为 “金顺利书画邮币社”。
经过30多年的经营,孙女士得到了许多爱好书画的老师与学生们的长期支持,也认识了许多志同道合的朋友。接下来孙女士希望能够结合互联网科技,推广中国文化艺术,并让 “金顺利书画邮币社” 这个公司名字走遍东南亚地区。
Mdm Soon, who was a Interior Designer and a contractor, started Chen Soon Lee Book Stamp & Coin Centre because of her own passion towards stamps and coin collection. In 1986, She moved the business from Bukit Timah Centre to Bras Basah Complex, however due to government policy, 90% of the storefront has to be books and stationery related.
That's why, after deep thoughts, she decided to converted her business focus from stamps and coin to chinese art stationery supplies. As she noticed that Singapore has a lack of chinese culture, She hope to retain and promote Chinese Culture to more youngster. letting them knows the benefits of practicing calligraphy is not just a hobby but also a form of meditation.
Along the way, we gain supports from teachers, chinese cultural arts lover and friends and sustain the business for over 30 Years.
In the future, we hope to gain more support from schools and let the chinese culture continue to shine to the next generations.